Dana and Patrick are the best. Hands down. We had an absolute blast in Old Port on Saturday running around, going down unfamiliar alley ways and getting the "fly by" tour of our awesome city. The sun was shining, there was a pleasant breeze, and Maine was on her best behavior for us. And with Portland as a background for photos, there's really no need to harp on about how diverse and breathtaking this city is if you have ever been. Consider my mind blown at the discoveries we all made about Portland that day. We had a great adventure getting into trouble on a fire escape, kissing lobsters, sketchy back alley ways, a boat dangling in the air, getting gawked at when people were trying to recognize the "celebrities" we were photographing.....oh man - great times!! So much laughter, sunshine and great company, these guys have really set the bar high for me.
I'm just LOVING how these images are turning out, and I'm not quite done with them, but I was so excited at how they are coming together, I just HAD to share! Enjoy this sneak peek image and let me know your thoughts in the comments below!
If you are looking for a Maine wedding photographer for your destination or local wedding, engagement or proposal photos, give me a shout! I have some 2015 summer and fall dates left, so it's not too late!