If you know me on a personal level, you know that I am a super loyal person and am great at keeping secrets. I think sharing secrets is just gross, and always have had that opinion. But it's so hard to with "wiggling fish", as Jim Henson's Story Teller called them, that just want to come out, so I have to share SOMETHING!
I'm excited because I'm on a secret mission - I have been hired to do my first surprise proposal photography shoot this week at an undisclosed location! I don't want to ruin the surprise, so I'll keep it to the basics for now - it's in Maine. LOL I am SO excited, and the groom-to-be is so cute and such a good sport, and I can tell is just in love with his special lady. I can't wait to meet her on her big night that she doesn't even know is her big night! Tune in next week to see the results of this super-secret surprise photoshoot!!
If you are looking for a wedding photographer or wedding cinematographer for the 2015 or 2016 season, give me a shout! I still have some dates available for summer/fall as well as next year, and I'd love to hear from you.